Miguel Angel Castilla May

Software Engineer
$60000 / year
May 8, 1999

About Candidate

I love programming and coffee. Constant learning fascinates me, and I like teamwork to learn the best practices from others. I consider myself a full-stack developer. My main strengths are time management and teamwork.



Computer Stystems Engineer 2017-2022
National Technological Institute of Mexico

Work & Experience

Software Engineer (Internship) August 2021 - January 2022
Entomological Research and Bioassay Unit of Chiapas

I developed a web system to manage all the information of the insects collected in different parts of the state and even in other countries. I used Vue and Firebase for the development.

Front end developer January 2022 - March 2022
SUB Studio

This was a digital marketing company. My stay here was short but I did a ton of things like: - our own online survey, based on Typeform (JS) - a blog for a marine biologist (WordPress) - an appointment booking page (JS) - a live chat video, kind of like Twitch (React)

Software Engineer March 2022 - Present
Icalia Labs

This is my current job where I've learned a lot of things. I've been part of four projects so long: - a Chrome extension for recruiters who use LinkedIn (JS and Ruby on Rails) - the same Chrome extension but we added the support for Lever and multitenancy - an intern project for the human resources department to follow the candidates' process (React and Strapi) - a fundraising website for schools (Ruby on Rails) - the current project is the second phase of the intern project, we'll add some functionalities with AI

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